
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Anies Baswedan wants pedicabs to operate in certain areas

Pedicab has been considered to disrupt the progress and modernity in Jakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said pedicab is one of service businesses. He assessed pedicab drivers should be regulated as a profession that can operate in specific areas.

"The service will not sell, if no one uses it. We can't force people, so the service is regulated as a profession in certain areas," said Anies on Tuesday (Oct 9).

Anies explained as well as people with other professions, pedicab drivers also work to meet the need of their families. On the other hand, pedicab has been considered to disrupt the progress and modernity in Jakarta as capital city.

Anies wanted equity for perdicab drivers. In that way, they could feel prosperity in Jakarta.

Also read: Anies to issue gubernatorial decree of pedicab regulation

Anies also said without rules of pedicab operation, drivers of the vehicle often became the subject of extortion and and oppression. Based on those considerations, Anies said the revision local regulation (perda) related to the legalisation of pedicab operation in Jakarta is needed.

However, the local regulation was still a proposal. There was no discussion yet related to pedicab in Jakarta. Anies wanted the regulation would determine the pedicab operation area.

Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency road of transport sector head, Masdes Aroufi said the pedicab drivers could only operate officially after there is revision of local regulation. At present, the regulation is still being discussed by Legal Bureau and Public Order Agency (Satpol PP).

"The formulation is being made," Masdes said.

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October 10, 2018 at 02:37AM
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